Thursday 19 August 2021

How to write content for YouTube? It is called YouTube Scripts

It is called YouTube scripts.

Have you ever watched a YouTube video? Do you see the wordings on the bottom of the video that describe the video for the viewer who would watch it?


That is a YouTube script.

How do you write content for YouTube Script? writes a professional article on this.

I am writing the practical one. 

If you are a business owner, know that 7 out of 10 people check the internet for help.

If you want to use Google to sell your business, zeroing in on YouTube is a great idea.

Ensure that you use SEO so that you can be discoverable when they (your target market) are searching for solutions on the internet.

Add all your contact details so that at any time in their buyer journey, they can view your product as something that they can be happy to buy.

Five things to check before choosing a topic to shoot a video for YouTube for the internet are:

  • Use Google Trends to check the amount of interest your audience has for the topic you want to choose.
Find out what is trending so that all the traffic will follow what you are writing on.

  • Use YouTube suggestions to identify the keywords that will make you discoverable.

Click on youtube as if it were google and see what many on the app are watching
  • Use Ahrefs to find out how many people have already used the keywords
Ahref is a tool that helps you rank higher every day
  • Be relatable in your video
Talk as if you are speaking with your bestie who is in the room with you or on the other side of a phone call.
  • Use a call-to-action
Tell your viewers to subscribe to your YouTube video so that you can make money as soon as you reach 4000 watch hours and 1000 subscribers.
  • Keep your address in the YouTube script
You can find the answers to this question in the article above. What you do not see is how to write your YouTube script.

Your YouTube script is useful for sharing your social media platforms, contact details, and products. Be sure to talk about the product in the video. 


That's what a YouTube script is. Do not leave that space empty. Fill it up. 


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