Tuesday 19 January 2016

On writing and how your muse is... people!

On writing
I love writing
I hate writing and
sometimes I have writer's bloc
Or evade writing real, authentic, honest stuff

So I have several blogs
I haven't written anything from my heart for a while
I have been writing a lot of stuffs
but nothing that touches my heart
nothing that I will come back to read because I believe it's a big deal

How's my yearly plan going?
I have everything planned for 2016 written down
Well as far as I can see
Am I going to be more sassy this 2016?

I am naturally witty
and since I don't let the wit out of my mouth most of the time
I am going to have to let it out on paper
I should be going home, work has been over for an hour.

Good evening

One opinionated writer

Friday 15 January 2016

Writing better


It is an expression of your inner self
and expression of who you are
It is a beautiful blend of words that touches
first the soul writing and then the soul reading

It should change something in you
Or touch something in you
It should provoke humanity to rise up and get involved


Writing is art!